
Devon Wagler (Pastor)
(519) 573-0227
103 Simeon Street
Kitchener ON
N3A 1S6

Our Pastor:

Devon and Meredith Wagler formed the Network Church on the values of community, generosity, and connection to the divine. We ask ourselves, "What would a church structure look like if we started with those values instead of starting with the structure, and trying to fit our values in." Below are descriptions of some of our more common lingo, followed by our gonverning statements. If you want to know more about our group then feel free to read as much as you like, but to really know you should come and see what we're like, what we're doing, and how important we could be to each other.

Celebration Services:

These services happen every three weeks. We gather all our house churches together and have music, teaching, sharing and whatever else we want to do to build up the family and worship. We meet at Bridgeport C.C. in Kitchener at 10:30. Be sure to check our calendar for service dates. Our worship services are called "Celebration Services," or "Glorifies."

House Churches:

The Network Church meets as small house churches at least weekly. These are called "Gathers." These small groups are our primary way of experiening and doing church ogether. These house churches are ideal for forming meaningful relationships for effective spiritual growth and community outreach. We pray together, we spend time with the kids, we eat food, have communion, encourage and learn from each other. If you're interested in attending a house church, contact us through the information at the top of the page.

Vision Statement

We are part of God’s family, committed to expanding God’s Kingdom by:

GLORIFYING God as Lord of this Kingdom: We worship together. We pray and give thanks together. We bring glory to God through our actions. We continually thirst for a closer relationship with God.

GATHERING together as God’s Kingdom: We learn together and from one another. We mentor and follow one another. We take care of and serve one another. We challenge and support one another.

GIVING together to bring God’s Kingdom to the world: We are all ministers to those around us. We care for God’s world through compassionately meeting needs. We act like Jesus acted. We find where God’s working and join in on what He’s doing.  

We may have disagreements or differences, but we unite around these three principles to bring God’s Kingdom into our communities and our lives.

Statement of Faith

We believe in one eternal God, the Father, the Almighty, maker of heaven and earth, of all that is, seen and unseen, all that was and all that is to come. We believe in one Lord, Jesus Christ, the only Son of God, eternally begotten of the Father, God from God, Light from Light, true God from true God, begotten, not made, of one Being with the Father.

Through Him all things were made. For us and for our salvation He came down from heaven: by the power of the Holy Spirit he became incarnate from the virgin Mary, and was made man. For our sake he was crucified; He suffered death and was buried. On the third day He rose again in accordance with the Scriptures; He ascended into heaven and is seated at the right hand of the Father. And He is the judge of the living and the dead. He rules over the Kingdom of God to bring about His values of love, grace, mercy, forgiveness, and justice on earth and will return to bring it to complete fruition.

We believe in the Holy Spirit, the Lord, the giver of life, who proceeds from the Father and the Son. With the Father and the Son He is worshiped and glorified. He has spoken through the Prophets.

We believe in one church over which Jesus is Lord. We believe in God’s grace for the forgiveness of sins, and one baptism, dying to our old selves and taking up a new life as God’s beloved children, workers for His kingdom, and recipients of reconciliation with Him.

We believe in the holy scriptures, the Bible, inspired by God, Spirit breathed, and passed on by men and women who experienced Him.

The Constitution of The Network Church

1. Charitable Purpose

  1. The Network Church’s purpose is exclusively charitable and all of our resources will be used for charitable activities.  
  2. The Network Church shall be carried on without purpose of gain for its members, and any profits or other gains to the organization shall be used in promoting its objectives.
  3. Our charitable purpose is to advance religion to the adherents of our faith and to the general public through preaching and living the teachings, religious tenets, doctrines and observances associated with our Christian faith, including the provision of benevolent care to people in need in our communities.

2. General Membership

  1. The general members of the Network Church will include all those who are actively participating in the ministry of the Network Church, and have signed our declaration of membership.
  2. The Network Church will structure its members into groups small enough to meet in a home. These groups are called ‘mission communities.’ Mission communities worship, pray, observe, and teach the tenets and observances of our Christian faith under the leadership and guidance of the Network Church senior pastor.
  3. Applicants for general membership will be approved by the Board of Directors.
  4. General membership meetings will take place at least once a year to approve the budget, receive financial reports, elect members to the Board of Directors, and address whatever other business is brought to the members by the Board of Directors.  
  5. Quorum at general membership meetings shall be 30% of the total general membership. Decisions at general membership meetings shall be made by a simple majority of the members who are present, except for changes to the Constitution which will require two-thirds majority.

3. Board of Directors

  1. The Board of Directors (the Board) will be responsible with ensuring the integrity of the Network Church organization, keeping the Network Church accountable to each other and the church’s governing documents.
  2. The Board will be charged with the distribution of funds throughout the church for administrative and outreach purposes, within the parameters of the annual budget approved by the members.
  3. Each mission community must nominate one person to the Board within one year of its official beginning.
  4. New directors are nominated by the Board, and approved by the general membership.
  5. One term as a Board Director is defined as two years from the date of appointment by the general membership at the general membership meeting. A Director can serve no more than two consecutive terms. After two consecutive terms, an individual must be absent a minimum of one year before being re-approved as a Director.
  6. Directors must agree to the church’s Statement of Faith and charitable purposes.
  7. If there are ten or more directors, then at the Board’s discretion, the Board may elect an executive committee from amongst its own members, whose terms on the executive committee will coincide with their terms as Directors, unless they resign earlier from the executive committee.
  8. Directors’ terms can be terminated early when there is a conflict with the agreed statement of faith and purposes, or if the board member is not fulfilling his or her responsibilities, by a supermajority vote of two-thirds of the members of the Board of Directors who are present.
  9. There will be a minimum of six Directors on the Board.  
  10. Quorum for the Board will be a simple majority of the total number of Directors.
  11. The Board will appoint its own officers: the Chair, Treasurer and Secretary.  
  12. Decisions by Board members will be made by a simple majority of Board members who are present, except for terminating a Board member which will require a two-thirds majority. from within the Board members appointed by the general membership. Officer terms will match Board member terms.

4. Senior Pastor

  1. The Board will present a candidate for hire to the Network Church.
  2. The senior pastor’s contract will be drawn up by the board of directors at their discretion.
  3. The senior pastor will hold a bachelor’s of theology, it’s equivalent or better as credentials for the position.
  4. The senior pastor will attend board meetings, but will be an ex officio member of the Board of Directors.
  5. The general membership will vote on whether to accept the candidate, and the approval rate must be at least 80% of the general membership present for the vote.

5. Finances

  1. The fiscal year will run from January 1st to December 31st.
  2. The annual budget will be presented at the annual general membership meeting and approved by a simple majority of those general members present.
  3. Distribution of funds within the budget is the responsibility of the Board of Directors.
  4. All funds collected by the Network Church will be separated into two categories. administrative and charitable programming (outreach). Funds given for outreach cannot be used for administrative purposes.
  5. The Network Church does not supply funds or materials for any activities which lie outside of the defined purposes of the Network Church.

6. Changes to the Governing Documents

  1. The governing documents of The Network Church include this Constitution, the Statement of Faith, and Board Policies.
  2. Any changes to any of these governing documents must be proposed by the board of directors and approved by the general members by a supermajority of two thirds.

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