Tuesday 28 May 2013

Relief efforts

MCC is an organization dedicated to relief efforts around the world. Their work includes disaster relief, work with refugees, the homeless and others. We've had a couple of events lately with this organization.

A couple weeks ago we were able to put together several hygiene kits. I've talked about these kits on the blog before but repeating isn't always bad. These kits include a hand towel, soap, nail clippers, toothbrush and toothpaste. The 90 kits we put together will provide basic hygiene for refugees in Lebanon who have fled the conflict in Syria. This will only go a small way to help relieve a very huge problem, but they will be appreciated on a level that we rarely do here in Canada.

Next we were at the relief sale in New Hamburg. The relief sale is like a festival for people who like good Mennonite food that's bad for you. But while promoting an unhealthy lifestyle they also promote a healthy one by hosting a charity 5K from which all proceeds go towards MCC's worldwide relief efforts. Thanks to everyone who was involved in our run!

You can give to MCC by clicking on the giving page, or keep an eye out in the future for the next time we're teaming up.

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